Monday, March 20, 2006

Another Monday

The weekends sure do zoom by quickly. I did find that Sunday afternoon dragged a bit though! I finally got busy and cleaned all the one pound plastic baskets of strawberries I had bought at the commissary. They were all still in pretty good shape. It took hours to get it all done though. I was cleaning strawberries when Mike left to walk, and I was still at it when he got home about an hour later.

I did get through them all though. Some of them were put on parchment paper lined cookie sheets, and went into the freezer. They are now safely ensconced in two quart-size ziplock freezer bags. The majority of the rest of the strawberries went to make freezer jam. They are busy "setting up" right now, and later this afternoon they can go in the freezer. There were some berries left, to be lightly sugared and put in the fridge for snacking. Yumm!

I have been busy paying bills this morning. Not fun, but it goes pretty quickly, so I can't complain too much!

I looked outside a minute ago, and saw that Sam and Ethel, two of our local sand hill cranes, and two buddies, were across the street in our neighbors' yard. However, the buddies looked really funny. Their legs were way too short. I took a second and third look, yes, they really were sand hill cranes. But what was going on with their legs???? Turns out, they were sitting on their knees! I don't think I have ever seen them do that before. It really was strange. They finally stood back up again, and wandered along.

It sounds like Cairns, in Queensland, Australia, got very badly hit by Cyclone Larry--a catagory 5 storm when it hit. Tropical cyclones are the Southern Hemisphere equivalent of our hurricanes. We are so relieved that our Aussie friends in Queensland are down in the Brisbane area, far to the south of Cairns. I am sure Anne has fond memories of Cairns, as it was the final stop on her 3 week visit to Australia with the People to People program. She spent her 16th birthday there too--in Cairns. By the way, Cairns is pronounced the same as the word "cans." In any case, I am sure they have a long road ahead of them, restoring order, rebuilding and repairing, etc.

Well, I had best go get some laundry started and some other house work done! Take care and more later!


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