Tuesday, December 06, 2005

A Week Already?

I can't believe it has been a week since I blogged on this. It has been busy, with getting Anne to physical therapy 3 times a week, etc. I am finally getting a little more organized though! I got my list of addresses printed off the computer, and have actually emailed overseas friends to verify addresses, in some cases. I have actually addressed some cards! Can it really be?????

Yesterday I spent some good quality time in the sun room. I am looking for something Anne needs, that is still in a box somewhere. In the course of looking for it, I have emptied 3-4 boxes! That never hurts! The item I am looking for it rather small--smaller than a breadbox, anyway!---and will be wrapped in paper, so I have to pretty well unwrap anything in the boxes that is wrapped, to make sure I don't miss it. I think if I can spend some equally productive time in there today, I will finally be able to move Brian's computer desk to its projected spot along the wall, and get the hutch put on it. That will lead to being able to move more stuff further along in there (and/or getting more and more boxes unpacked, as I search for the elusive item!) and that will result in the nice open spot I am anticipating, for the Christmas tree to reside in. Progress is definitely being made!

The weather continues nice here. I had to put the heat on late last week. I think it only came on at night. It warmed up enough outside in the daytime to be comfortable, so that was nice. We had a few nice warm days again, and now it is supposed to get cool again.

I think Anne envies you your snow, at least a little bit, Jo! The photo is really pretty, and the first snow is always fun. It does always look so pretty coming down. I have to confess to being happy with warm weather, palm trees, and grapefruit hanging on the tree--not that I really care to eat it! Mike had one over the weekend, and says they are really good again this year. We have a ton of them to go through--I really should have culled out more of them.

Well, nothing exciting to write about that I can think of, so I will go ahead and stop! Take care all!


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