Monday, November 14, 2005

This is What I Love!

Okay, just a quick message.... I just checked Mike's blog, which has not been updated in a while. But, I saw the little weather window he has on his blog, and I just love what I saw. It is after midnight, it is the middle of November (!!!!!!)and it is still 74 degrees outside!!!!!!! Wow! Of course, it is to get cooler as the week progresses, as there is a cold front headed our way. On the plus side, the cold front is to lose most of its oomph before it gets here! Hurrah!

I will go ahead and let you know, as a little teaser, that Brian sent me an email on my new gmail account------------one of the online quilt activities I have enjoyed in the past is the Quilt Mall Crawl, and they are no longer sending messages, etc, to people with an AOL or Compuserve email address, as the email often doesn't get through because of the spam filters. I have to wonder a bit, as I sure haven't had any trouble getting the emails from the FabShopHop, but okay. So, Anne sent me an invite to open a gmail account, and I have been happily finding the hidden quilt blocks and enjoying a peek at what so many of the online quilt shops have to offer... Now after a long digression.....Brian sent me an email on my new gmail account, and included the best photo that they have so far managed to get of our baby in her Pooh Bear costume!!!!!!!!! And in this, she blinked. But, she looks so cute, and really, if you didn't know she was caught blinking, you would think she had dozed off and was having a little nap! And, because the costume is big, which I expected, although I didn't expect it to be as big as it is....because it is big, it even more gives the appearance of a little Pooh Bear! Our little Squishy Pooh! She looks soooooooo cute! It is too late tonight to try to deal with it, but will get it put on the blog soon, so you all can see our adorable little baby!


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