Wednesday, December 07, 2005

Boxes, Boxes

Well, first a quick weather update! It is just going on 10 a.m., and Mike's weather thing on his blog says it is 70 degrees out. It is quite windy today, and was yesterday too. We are close to the projected high for the day, so I don't imagine it will warm up much more. I didn't notice if it is cloudy or not.

I got more boxes done last night in the sun room! I have a space for Brian's computer desk now. I haven't moved it yet, as I want to vacuum that empty area first, and there just wasn't enough light in there to do it last evening. I still haven't found the elusive item, but did find Mike's binoculars so that was nice! Speaking of binoculars and thinking of stars and planets, Venus has been huge for several days--a couple of weeks?--or so. It is fun to see it when it is so very big!

Mike's boss from work came late last week to get some boxes. We still have a huge store of them in the garage! He didn't take enough to make much of a dent, but did take some! I think the deal was that they had some damage from last years's hurricanes, and since they had to have big repairs anyway, they went ahead and did major remodeling too. I could be wrong on this, I think that is what I was told ages ago. Anyway, the house is done now, except that the power still isn't on. They have been getting things moved back into the house. I am not sure where they have been living all this time. He says most of their things were still in boxes, which is why he didn't need more boxes. The remodeled house sounds great, from what Mike has been hearing about it!

I am still thinking about what to put where as far as Christmas decorations go, etc. Sometimes I think I spend too much time thinking about these things, and not enough just doing it? I know I did that with Michelle's Halloween costume! I am still getting Michelle's things organized and ready to mail. That is almost done, thank goodness!


At 3:32 PM, Blogger Daisy said...

Can I come live with you? LOL Here in Zanesville, Ohio it's 22 degrees, *way* too early to be this cold!


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