Tuesday, August 18, 2009

We're Back!

We had a great visit in Texas! Our flight out was good and we landed in Houston, got our rental car, and were on the road before the big thunderstorm hit. Thank goodness it didn't start earlier.

We had a good time, visiting with Mike's mom and dad, meeting some of their friends, and seeing all the kids. Anne and Paul, Brian and little Michelle, all arrived on Friday. It was great seeing them again! Michelle is looking forward to starting preschool next week.

Russell, Amy, Skyler and Zoey arrived on Saturday. It had been at least 2 years, maybe more, since we had seen them last. Michelle and Skyler played really well together and got along just great. You would have thought they saw each other all the time. Little Zoey has red curly hair and is sweet as can be. A very quiet baby--she was so good!

The time passed way too quickly. We did get to try a number of flavors of Anne's special homemade jams and boy were they ever good. Anne and I made a fresh peach cobbler that turned out pretty good too. Yummm!

I didn't take any knitting with me--I figured I would be too busy visiting to want to bother with it, and I was right.

We flew home yesterday, with 6 month old twins in front of us. It was not a quiet flight--haha.

I did a little bit of spinning today. I thought I would start on the carbon diamond bamboo, but it wasn't really speaking to me, and I am also thinking it might be happier blended in with other fibers. We will see. I wound off the little bit I had spun onto a yarn core and opened up a Mint Julep batt. That was more like it! It is so soft!---wool, silk and firestar. It opened out into a pretty huge batt, I think it was done on a double wide drum carder. I spun up a little bit of it and I like the way it is spinning.

I still have to put up photos of the batt bite. It turned out pretty well and was fun to spin.


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