Saturday, July 18, 2009

The Week in Review

Space Shuttle Endeavor got safely launched. When Mike came home from work (on launch day--Wednesday?) we talked about it and then forgot all about it. Although, we were not sure what the launch time was either. Oh well. Mike heard it going up and called to me. The shuttle was already into the clouds, so we couldn't see it, but could see the trail below.

I am almost done spinning up the second half of the amethyst merino. I feel like I am learning a lot. It also seems to be going faster--not sure if it really is or I have just been spinning more often. I did up 7 hunks of the top yesterday, a real record. I took breaks now and then--dealing with laundry, getting coffee, etc--and it made a difference. I was comfortably able to spin longer.

We are at home today instead of at Disney. A 50% chance of rain is just too high--our experience is that it is almost a guarantee that it will rain at some point. Oh well. It is nice and sunny outside right now, but they are predicting thunderstorms this afternoon.

Well, not much of interest going on.....


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