Saturday, December 16, 2006

A Jolly Good Time

We are having a great visit, here at Chez Walters. One of the first things Mike did was take Brian shopping on Monday and got the things to set up a wireless internet connection! It is the best thing ever! Of course, there has now been even more computer playing going on, but with the desk top computer and two laptops in the house, it makes it all easier than ever. Very little waiting, if one wants to get online.

That isn't all that has been going on though, of course. Mike and Brian have worked on the lights in the front of the house. The accent lights, which have been a bit of a bane lately, as one was broken a while back--we think by the guys who did the hurricane shutters. Mike and Brian found a replacement, and got it installed. They found the very exact kind as what is already in there, so all is good. Brian came up with a reasonable explanation of why the bulbs seem to burn out so quickly, and a solution. We will see how that goes! The outside looks much nicer with that light replaced and the lights actually coming on at night now!

I have made two huge batches of trash and it keeps disappearing! We ate the last of it last night, and I hope to get another batch made today. Michelle took to trash like a true Walters. Here is a picture of her sharing a bowl of trash with her grandpa.

I also finally got a batch of Mike's favorite "Merry Christmas Cookies" made, after two years (or more?) of not getting it done. I mixed up the dough one day, and baked the cookies yesterday. They are being enjoyed by all. Mitch gave them her seal of approval, and says they are very good with milk!

We plan to make a trip to Sea World tomorrow, the weather forecast is great! We will plan to take a camera, so we will have some photos of the festivities!

Monday Anne and I make the trek to Jacksonville to the Mayo to have them look at her hip. Her appts are in the afternoon, so we will make it there and back in the same day, and be home for dinner. While we are gone, Mike will take the kids to the zoo! That promises to be great fun and an opportunity for more photos too!

The sand hill cranes have cooperated and made appearances in our yard several times already since the kids have been here. Brian took some photos with his camera, and they still get a kick out of seeing them! We do too, truth be told.

Well, I had best stop, take care and more later!

Edited to add-----they made changes to photobucket, and I do not know how to make the photos thumbnail size as usual. I guess you all will have to suffer with large massive photos for now, but at least they are easy to see, eh? And you don't have to click to make them bigger and easy to see. I didn't have this problem when I did the other post! Oh well.

Edited again---well, I looked at the blog on AOL, and the one photo that I had gone back and done the old way now shows up as a thumbnail, as I had expected. I have done the same with the second photo. It should now show both as thumbnail shots on aol, and I am not sure what will show on Mozilla!


At 9:31 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I guess my comment didn't post .... did you make Gingerbread? Can you believe I have not made any trash at all this holiday season .... unheard of!

At 9:31 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh yes, I see thumbnails ....


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