Saturday, November 25, 2006

Great Weekend

Hi All--I am back. I am keeping busy and I don't see that changing any time soon, since there is so much to do and so little time before Brian and Christine (and the ever adorable Michelle) arrive here. So, don't expect to hear much from me, but know that all is fine---I will, of course, be sure to let you know if things are not fine. A case of no news is good news, eh?

We had a great Thanksgiving Day, with a call from the Walters, a chance to talk to Brian and Christine, and even a few baby words from Michelle! We can hardly wait to see them again!

Yesterday was a relaxing day for the most part. I got a good bit of laundry done---a lot of it things that need to be checked and dealt with---things that Anne needs to decide what to do with. I have a bag of things for charity already, and imagine that some of these things will go into another bag that will go out on Wednesday. Nice timing they came up with!

We were thrilled to death that the Aggies beat Texas yesterday. Mike saw an early part of the game and we watched the very end. He worries about jinxing them. Fortunately, they played well yesterday and won! I very well remember the feeling in the stadium, in 1979 (??), when Mike and I were there for this very match up and the Aggies won. It is just amazing, the good cheer, excitement, etc, when the Ags beat Texas. If it wasn't in 79, it was another year when we were in Bryan and happened to both be at the game together--but that does make it most likely that it was in '79!

Well, I had best go, I have to check on how Mount is doing again Wheaton today! Take care and I will try to jot at least a few lines now and then!


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