A New Week
The week got off to a good start yesterday, with a chat with Brian! He called sometime mid-afternoon and we had a good chat, then I talked to Christine, then Brian talked to Anne till he had to go, partly to change a diaper, partly because they had to go do something. Oh well!
They are all doing fine, although going a little bit stir crazy already, being in the small temporary quarters. They are lucky that Michelle isn't older, it would be even harder! I speak from experience, of course!
Our baby is doing well. Brian says her eyes are the same color as they have been, a blue-gray color. Maybe they really will stay that way! Anne had been examining some photos of Michelle the other day and mentioned to me that she thought she saw a hint of dimples. Brian, when asked, confirmed that she really does have them! So cute!
Christine has been busy making arrangements for housing for when their time in the TLF ends. Which is not that far off, a couple more weeks. It is hard to believe they have been back that long. Brian said the house inspection went well, that the inspector was impressed by what good shape the house is in. Always a good thing! Not much else going on along that line.
Brian says they haven't done much on the computer, as it has been rough dealing with dial-up again, and it takes forever to get online, do anything, etc. It will be better once they are settled in and on "fast" access again! Brian says he sees lots of wild life at the base. He saw a coyote on base the other day! And a turkey! Wow.
Not much else going on here. I smelled smoke from the nearby (about 15 miles away) fire that has been burning since Thursday afternoon. They are pretty sure it is arson. Biting tongue---what I would do to arsonists. Anyway, the high winds and dryness have kept the firefighters from being able to get it totally put out. This morning was the first time I smelled the smoke, although Mike has noticed it several times. By the time we left for Anne's appt, the smell was gone. I guess the wind had picked up enough and the early morning dampness was gone???
Anne's appts were fine, by the way. Her pt is going well and they may re-evaluate on Wednesday when she goes back. Her appt with Dr. Dhruv was fine too. Just a regular check, making sure the thyroid levels are okay, etc. All is well with that, even if not with other things.
Take care, more photos another time!
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