Friday, April 28, 2006

Is It Friday Already?

Oh dear, do I see a trend going? I will have to figure out more interesting titles, and leave the days of the week alone.

Our official high yesterday was 92! One degree short of a record set back in the 60's. We do have a cool front that has come through, and it is to be much cooler for the next few days---in the 80's again. I hadn't quite realized till I saw it on the weather report last night, but bucking the usual trend, the coast areas have been just as hot as/hotter than the central areas (Orlando, etc). It hasn't really felt that hot, except when getting into the car. The breeze is an amazing help.

Our brief bits of rain yesterday didn't add up to a thing. I finally remembered to check the rain gauge today, while out playing with the sprinklers (some of the heads don't like to come up all the way, as the runners from the grass like to grow over them and hold them down). The rain gauge was dry as dust. I figured that would be what I would find. Oh well. I took the utility scissors out with me this morning, and trimmed any and all offending grass runners.

No word yet on Anne's appt, but hopefully today. Dr. Venero's office had given me the number for the specialist's office, and I gave them a call yesterday. I was informed that they would set up the appt through Dr. Venero's office, and that Dr. Venero's office would call and let us know about it. Put me in my place, eh? I would have found it very off-putting, but I have found that a lot of offices around here have policies we find very strange, and yet the doctors are all wonderful. So we will keep our fingers crossed. If he can figure out what is going on with Anne, I won't care how snooty the office staff is.

No word from Brian and Christine. We have tried calling a couple of times, but they have always been out. I know they are busy right now, so we don't worry about it. Wouldn't mind an email now and again though!

Meanwhile, the buds on the magnolia tree are getting fatter and fatter, so I guess we will have flowers soon! As promised (although late!), here are some photos of the gardenia in the back.

Sorry the first photo is so blurry. There are tons of buds like these on the little gardenia bush. It was windy, so it blurred. The other picture came out fine. Go figure. I had taken two shots of the flower, and one was pretty blurry, just as the one of the buds is. I think I remember that you can see the very faded remnants of another bloom behind this one. I thought this one looked pretty droopy, but still nice and white, so it works, eh?

All the oleanders in the area are covered with flowers again. I never seem to notice that the flowers have gone off them (we don't have any in our yard), till all of the sudden they are covered again, and they really stand out. They are so pretty and really remind me of Crete.


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