Wednesday, April 26, 2006

It's Wednesday Already?

Absolutely amazing. Time is flying by at warp speed, it seems. I have been very slow in dealing with the new bookcases. Everytime I do work on them, I get a bit of a headache, and can smell the chemical fumes (although it really is dissipating!), so I figure it is just as well to take my time.

This is the set of two bookcases in our bedroom. This is how they looked when they arrived. Just imagine single bookcases in the computer room and Mike's cave, and you have seen them all! I have the shelves in all but the computer room bookcase now. It is amazing what hard work it can be to get those little peg things into the sides, to hold the shelves! Some (not enough!) go in almost easily by hand, but the rest require the use of vice grips and a good bit of twisting force. It seems to be at least partly a factor of how much stain got into the holes. I did consider a tiny bit of sanding to make it easier to get the pegs in, but decided I would just as soon have them fit snugly!

Anne continues to improve after her wrist surgery. Further study has shown that actually, both little scars are the same size. She just had a red bit or maybe a bit of sticky stuff that made the one scar look longer! So, two quarter inch scars is all she has to show for her surgery. Not bad at all! Photos later, as I don't have one of how it all looks now that all the bandaging is totally gone. She is really happy to be able to knit again, although she does have to take it easy and not do too much at a time. She continues to cut back on the pain meds too, and that is always a good thing! No word on the appointment with the specialist, for the continuing mono problems. I am working on it.

We haven't had any rain since the weekend, and not much then---I think I reported a bit less than half an inch in the rain gauge. Some areas did get a lot more, and we aren't hearing as many reports of brush fires, although there were a couple of small fires that they think were started by lightning.

Meanwhile, spring continues to do its thing here! I noticed that there are buds on the magnolia, which has had nothing but leaves on it for ages now.

I think the bud in the photo on the left will actually be producing leaves, and the one on the right will produce a flower! There are a good number of buds on the tree, so it should be really pretty soon, even though they do seem to open just one or two at a time.

Well, I got hold of the doc's office, and they said the specialist's office seems to just be running slow. They did re-fax everything, just in case, and called to make sure it was received. So, we should be hearing about an appt soon.

Tomorrow (?) I will post with some photos from the gardenia in the back yard, which is covered with buds too! The jasmine continues to grow, and still has a lot of flowers on it. The hibiscus are all in full bloom, some with more flowers on them than I have ever seen on them before!


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