Tuesday, December 20, 2005

The Tree Is Up!

So, yesterday was an amazingly busy day, and I got so much accomplished, it wasn't even funny. I doubt that I will manage to do as well today.

I got my bits done on the computer, got some bills paid, etc. Glad to have that out of the way and one less thing to worry about! Then I went out to get the Christmas tree. I was afraid it would be a job, getting the box with tree out of the garage, as the paths to the back of the garage had been pretty well cluttered with the big ladder, hurricane shutters, etc. However, when Mike took down some more shutters over the weekend, he rearranged the rest of the shutters that were already in the garage, and so there was a really nice path for me to use! Hurrah!

The tree went up in no time, and I continue to be thankful that it is so easy to put up, the easiest we have ever had! There is plenty of room for it in the sun room now, and it looks really nice. I got the lights put on and some of the ornaments. I still have more ornaments to put on, but the lights were the big thing---. I still haven't found my star for the top yet, I am not sure which box it got put in. Strange, as it is usually one of the first things I find, but it will turn up. I know it hasn't gone anywhere!

Anne and I had gotten a cute little fiber optic lit silver tree at Target a while back, and I got that out and got it put up. It is on the roll top desk in the living room, and is nice and festive in there. I have put my fabric "stuffed" Christmas trees on the desk with it and they make a nice setting. I think I will move my biggish snowman in there too, and make a nice little arrangement.

Anne had pt yesterday and did well. Steve increased some of her things a little, after cutting back last week when she was sick with the bug. She is really doing well. She isn't getting nearly as sore as she used to.

The weather was cloudy, cool and windy yesterday. Definitely light sweater weather. Only while out and about though. We are to have highs in the 60's till the end of the week, I think we had another cold front go through.

The mailman really has been having a time of it, I don't think the mail has been delivered in daylight for more than a week now. It was after 6.30 when he (?) came last night. I am glad for a fairly large mailbox, and I am sure the mail people are too---two small packages in the mailbox last night! I know the mailpeople must hate having to go up to so many houses this time of year to hand over packages! I changed gender, because our regular mail person is a lady, but our substitute is a man. The sub has been dealing with things part of last week and over the weekend, I am not sure who came by last night!

Well, I guess that is it for now. Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays, and Happy New Year! (No, this doesn't mean I won't blog again till after the holidays!)


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