The Roof is Done!
Anne was so tired and icky feeling after her ACTH test at Dr. Dhruv's yesterday, that we came straight home and she went back to bed.
Turned out to be a good thing, as the roofers came early in the afternoon! They were really nice, did all the work that Brian Alfrey (did estimate, is VP of the company) said they would do and more. Bob, the head of the team, went over it all, took a good look at the chimney and thinks he figured out why we still hear a drip sometimes, and it isn't something that will cause damage, just more to do with the way the cap thing is made. The stucco looks good, and when I asked if he could recommend a painter, he said they have a guy that works for the roofers that paints, and they will send him out to paint the parts of the chimney that need to be repainted after the stucco repairs that were done just before Anne's surgery. So, it was all good.
On the Christmas front:
No decorations on the blogs, and I don't see it happening this year. It will be something to aim for next year though!
I made caramel corn earlier in the week (Wednesday?) and yesterday while Anne was sleeping, I made mincemeat cookies. We took a plate of them to pt!
The neighbors' across the street brought over a little loaf of quick bread--it looks/smells like pumpkin!
I never did get much more put on the tree, but it looks pretty, and with the lights on the tree it doesn't matter hugely anyway. Next year I will get more done!
So much that I didn't get done, but this year I did manage some baking, which I didn't do last year. So, all in all, I guess I break even? There is always more to aim for!
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