Friday, September 01, 2006

Really Now!

I just checked Mike's blog, and his weather channel weather report says that it is (was?) 92 degrees, with a heat index of 101 degrees. Really now! Are we so very acclimated to the weather here already? How could that totally be? We don't freeze when it is in the 70's. Or even in the 60's. Anne and I were out today, as she had a CT scan at 8.45 a.m. Not that it happened at 8.45 a.m., mind you! It was more like 9 a.m. by the time they called her back. Anyway, the point is, it did feel like 92, or thereabouts, while we were out running errands after the CT scan. We didn't get home till almost 1 p.m., so we were already in the hot part of the day. It felt warm/hot but not hot/hot. It sure didn't feel like 101 degrees. It is all relative, isn't it?

Anyway, I won't be surprised if the temperature drops now, as we have a lovely thunderstorm going. Plenty of rain coming down. Nothing to do with Ernesto, he is off playing in VA now. I am glad I remembered to ask Mike to turn the sprinkler system off last evening--haha!

Not much going on around here, now that Anne and I have completed our errands. We are all set for a quiet long weekend. Anne is napping, after having to be up at such an ungodly hour. I have been going through a book (fat one) with 5 Agatha Christie books in it---some of her international ones, some of which tend to be more spy/thriller type stories rather than her usual mysteries. I have already finished Murder on the Blue Train, Murder in Mesapotamia, and They Came to Baghdad. Next in the book is So Many Steps to Death or something like that. The book was too big to cart along to the diagnostic center, so I found a paperback on the shelves that I hadn't read yet, something about magic ships, etc. More on that later, if it warrants it! I am not positive that the Agatha Christie titles are all correct, that is from memory, which sometimes plays me false. I hope to get some more sorting and such done during the long weekend too, but we will see about that. It is nice to take time just to relax and enjoy having Mike at home.

Take care and more later!

Edited to add: Okay, my memory did play me false. It was supposed to be Mystery on the Blue Train, and Mesopotamia, not Mesa..... I actually spelled it with the "o" and decided it looked funny and must be an "a". Oh well.


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