Feast or Famine, Sort of...
That is what it seems like sometimes. Sometimes there is plenty to blog about and sometimes not. I guess that is life in general, eh?
We finally had some rain yesterday. It didn't stick around long, which was nice--sunny day before, rain, sunny day after. I was really surprised to check the rain gauge yesterday evening and find that there was 8/10 inch of rain in it. It didn't seem like it had rained that much. Our weather continues really nice, with highs generally in the 87-90 degree range. Sure can't complain about that!
Mike counted at least 6 of the white peacock butterflies in the garden on Saturday, and I was out later that day and saw 2 of them, and one of the tiny skipper butterflies. I also saw a huge grasshopper on the passion vine. Not sure if I should have tried to scare him away or not--I left him in peace, since I wasn't sure.
I continue to get bits and pieces of sorting done. Slow but steady, right? Sometimes I wouldn't mind being able to twitch my nose and get it all done. I guess that would take a lot of the fun out of life in general though, wouldn't it? No challenges.
We are seeing the swans in the lakes again, now and then. They are so pretty. There is some bird that likes to sit at the top of our chimney and sing--- a very strange sounding bird. I haven't figured out what it might be. It is seasonal though--it definitely is not here all year round.
I guess I am about out of news after all. I will go ahead and close and write more another time. I am enjoying all the other blogs--keep up the good work!
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