Wednesday, August 23, 2006

If It's Wednesday, It Must Be.....

Jon's birthday! Happy Birthday, Jon! I hope it's a good one, and that you have many more!

So, if you have checked out the Brain Blog, you know that late next month we will head for Jacksonville for Anne's appointments at the Mayo Clinic there. I always sort of thought that kind of thing was a big deal, but I guess not. In a really weird twist of fate, there was an envelope on the table of semi-junkmail appearance, from the Mayo Clinic in Jacksonville. What could it be? I open it to find a nice letter inviting Mike to make an appointment, if he has any medical problems he would like answered! No referrals are necessary, unless his insurance requires it. Summer-time is usually a slack time for the clinic, and appointments are easy to obtain! Please feel free to call this phone number, and give this code, and we will be happy to make an appointment for you. Wow. It does rather make a trip to the Mayo Clinic seem much less like a Big Deal. Which is good, in some ways--haha! But seriously, we hope that their "group of doctors working together as a team" will be able to figure out just what is going on with Anne, and will come up with a cure for her. I think that one of the best parts of it all is the time taken and thoroughness of it all. Relief all around, thank you!

The local media is getting excited--most of the local population too?--about the upcoming shuttle launch, scheduled for this coming Sunday! Hurrah! I imagine we will repeat our procedures from the last launch, as they worked out so well! We can watch the preliminary footage on the NASA channel, watch the launch, then rush outside to see the shuttle live. It is so cool to be able to do that! It would be really neat to see it all close up and personal, at Cape Canaveral viewing spots, etc, but this works out well and avoids the crowds and traffic, so it is a good compromise.

Well, there isn't much else to report, so I will go for now. Take care, all, and once again--Happy Birthday, Jon! And Kathleen, good luck on Friday.


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