Thursday, July 07, 2005

Thursday already?

Well, here is another week almost gone. Mike woke me up this morning, and I noticed that my "gout" toe was just about killing me. It really made me think that I had been a couple of days early with the blood work and the doc visit. Oh well! I got up and took an Ultram, and it eventually helped enough that I was able to get back to sleep for a little while! Anne thinks my toe looked just the same as yesterday, but I really feel like it looked more swollen and redder. In any case, it was a good day for birkies rather than tennis shoes! It is feeling better now, thank goodness! Amazing how much a stupid toe can hurt!

Anne and I got an early start, as she had an appt this morning. It went just fine, and we will be interested to see the results. We ran a couple of errands after we finished and then came home. We got sprinkled on a little, which was not surprising, as the sky was really black in some places. However, we didn't get rained on much, which was nice since we were out and about! We got home to find it had rained much more here, the rain gauge has an inch of water in it. I always empty it, so that should be pretty accurate for the amount we got today in that rain storm.

There was a message on the answering machine, and the hurricane shutter guys should be here tomorrow. They expect to be here sometime between 8.30 and 9 a.m. I know Mike will be relieved when it is done. He can't help but worry that we will get hit by a hurricane before we get them, or the company will turn out to be a fake that runs off with our money. I am really glad that I am a more optomistic type person!

Week after next, Anne and I will head for Orlando, so Anne can go to orientation at the university. It will be interesting to find out all about it, see the school, etc. She hasn't had a whole lot of spare time, so we haven't made a trip over yet. I know she will be glad to get things sorted out, find where things are, get her schedule set, etc. School starts some time in August.

Well, I guess that is about it for now, take care all of you and I look forward to hearing all your news!


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