Monday, July 10, 2006

Another Weekend

Funny how that works out, right? They just keep coming, those nice, quiet weekends--a break from the activity of the work week. That will end once Anne starts back to work, since she is usually scheduled to work one day of the weekend. At least that means she has a weekday off, when we can go shopping or do whatever she wants. It works out okay.

Mike finished removing the outer layer of wallpaper border from that long section above the kitchen cabinets. You saw the photo last time, of that bit that was left. I have to say, I am impressed with his "dry paper removal" technique. I tried peeling off a bit of it the other evening and didn't have much luck at all. Anyway, it is all ready for me to get to work, removing the under layer. I hope to have as good luck as I did when I did the bit in Mike's cave--especially in the "not dripping water all down the wall" catagory! There are just two more bits for him to do in the kitchen, if he wants to do more--over the doorway to the dining room, and the bit over the fridge. He has really been a big help on this.

I hoped to actually get some things done this weekend, but was feeling lazy and slightly overwhelmed--where to start?---so didn't. I did get out (off the shelf) and start reading a book I bought ages ago in Ohio, that is supposed to be good. I guess it would be catagorized more as fantasy rather than science fiction. It is Ilium, by Dan Simmons. He has combined Homer's The Iliad with The Future, to write a very fat and interesting book. I also read more of Anne Field's The Ashford Book of Spinning and am almost through it now. This is a really good, comprehensive book on spinning, by the way. For lighter reading, I started and finished Alexander McCall Smith's The Full Cupboard of Life. It is one of a series about a female private investigator in Botswana. It is a very good series---I really enjoy these books. Lest you think I did nothing but read, I also baked an angel food cake yesterday. Not that it is a strenuous activity by any means, with the super easy one step angel cake mixes these days. We finished up the birthday cake the other day, and Anne wanted something sweet. This works out nicely, just sweet enough and it is so nice and light.

We had rain last night, at midnight or so. It sounded like more than it was--I just checked the rain gauge, which held just 2/10 inch of water. Just as well Mike didn't turn off the sprinklers. I walked around to the butterfly garden, to see how the passion flower is doing. There are 15 buds, that I could see, and two flowers open. I am sure the plant must be non-fruiting, as there are no signs of any fruit forming where it has already bloomed. Just as well!

Anne has had no improvement of the sinus infection over the weekend, so I have already put in a call to the doc's office. They will see if he wants to call in a new prescription, or if he wants to see Anne again, and will call back. I guess we really should have done this last week, as even a week without improvement was surely too long. Oh well. Hope springs eternal, and all that.

I had thought I would include the photos of the tile and wallpaper borders in the master bathroom today, but I think this is already long enough! I will save it for another day....


At 7:02 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi! Just want to say what a nice site. Bye, see you soon.

At 5:48 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Very best site. Keep working. Will return in the near future.


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