Saturday, July 09, 2005

Cloudy Day

Hi All---here it is Saturday already. Anne is at work, and has tomorrow off, so that will be nice! It is quite cloudy today, I am sure it is a result of Hurricane Dennis. I hate to have it pestering anyone, but have to say I am glad we aren't to get hit by it. Meanwhile, we are having a quiet day. I sorted laundry in Anne's room and have been working on that. It is also a day for catching up on newspaper reading. I do have to finish cleaning house too, before lunchtime Monday (so it can be a leisurely activity!). That is when the bug guy is to come. It really is worthwhile, we rarely ever see a bug, and usually when we do see one, it is DEAD! Just the way I like them! So, Monday will be a busy day, with the bug man coming, the shutter guys coming back to finish, Anne working---she opens, so will have to be at work at 8.45 a.m. Most of you know just how hard that is for Anne! But she has been doing well at handling it, as it has been happening more often lately.

I haven't done any more knitting yet. I am looking for a cast-on method that I like and haven't quite found it yet. I have an idea, and will have to try it out. Most of the books seem to show a method that also results in a completed row of knitting, by the time you get it all cast on. I think that would work really well with regular yarn, but I am having trouble keeping things even with the cotton yarn. Maybe it just requires more practice? I shall perservere and will find my perfect cast-on soon, I am sure! There are just so many things to do, and it is hard to decide what to do first, sometimes!

Meanwhile, my toe (the gout one!) is feeling a lot better! That was the case yesterday too, although I did find that wearing shoes most of the day yesterday was not a happy thing! However, it is feeling really good today, just a tiny bit sore when there is pressure on it. A huge change from the other day, when it just sat there and hurt! I will be hoping that it reverts to tradition, and if that is the case, I won't have any more trouble (once it finishes totally!) for a couple years or more! That would be quite nice. As to the likely plantar fasciitis on the other foot, I do find that if I flex my foot several times before getting up (as suggested by my doc) it helps a lot and I have little pain now on rising! That is a really nice change too, and an easy enough way to help prevent pain. So much better than more extreme measures!

I had a short email from Brian, he says Mitch is a happy, squishy baby! She goes in next week for her first well baby appt. The squishy bit is just a sort of pet expression, that he used before Mitch was born. It has just carried over into life outside too!

Well, you all take care and update those blogs! I still have to sort out photos and do some planning, and will try to get this redesigned, so it is a little more "me"!!


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