Sunny Monday
Well, it is sunny and hot today. Up into the 90's, which is not as comfortable here, with no air conditioning! Mitch isn't hot, as they do have a/c in the hospital, which is nice. I thought the Fisher House felt nice and cool, but Christine says she was hot last night. It hasn't been bad here in the house. I noticed that it is quite cool and nice downstairs, where Brian and Christine's room is, and where Mitch's room is too. They will be fine on the days when it is hot. I am upstairs, and was not at all uncomfortable last night. It was hot outside yesterday too. The weather here is very strange---90's, then 60's and 70's, and now back in the 90's. Go figure! I will be happy to have more consistent weather back in Florida!
Baby Mitch continues to do well. She gets an IV dose of meds every day. At least she doesn't have to get shots or get poked everyday, so that isn't too bad. She is still nursing well, and continues to thrive. She still doesn't care to burp for her mom, and so likes to spit up instead. I am sure that will all be easier once she is at home, and has no attachments, like IV lines, monitors, etc.
I got to spend a little bit of time with her today, but she was asleep the whole time and I didn't get to hold her. It is still nice getting to see her though! I hope for more time with her tomorrow. We went to eat our belated Father's Day dinner at Chili's tonight. It is part of the NCO club at Ramstein, but anyone can eat there! It was really good. Christine will be able to store and heat her leftovers, for a meal tomorrow or whenever. It really does work out well for her, being at the Fisher House. We plan a trip to the commissary tomorrow to get a few things for her. It is also her WIC shopping day, and she can buy more milk, juice, etc. She will have room to store it in her cupboard and fridge shelf in the Fisher House kitchen.
Fisher House---I don't remember the whole story, but from what I remember, they were begun by a couple (Zachary and Elizabeth Fisher) who noticed what a hardship it often is for families to be able to stay near their loved ones who are in military hospitals. They donated the money for the first Fisher House, with the idea that it would provide low cost housing on base for families visiting their loved ones. I don't remember how the Nightingale Houses fit in, except that it is the same kind of deal. Here at Landstuhl there are two Fisher Houses. At Wright-Patterson, there is a Fisher House and a Nightingale House. It is definitely something that has grown and grown over the years, with money donated, new houses built, etc. It really is a good program. The houses here are within easy walking distance of the hospital, which is especially helpful.
No new photos of Mitch today, but Brian did take a photo of the hospital for me and one of the beds of flowers that mark out LRMC---Landstuhl Regional Medical Center---on a grassy slope in front of the hospital. I wanted pics of them! I will get a photo of the Fisher House Christine is at too. I want a nice, complete record of things, or at least pretty complete! I still have to take photos of the house, the view, maybe some of the town, etc! I don't imagine I will get another chance, so have to make the most of the opportunities while I can!
More later, take care and blog!
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