Tuesday, June 13, 2006


Yes Folks, we have rain. We had rain yesterday, fortunately AFTER Joel was here doing his magic. That consisted of filling up that new bed that was dug up a week or so ago. Well, maybe it was about two weeks ago? Here is a teaser photo!

This was taken today. Despite the clouds. It started to sprinkle the minute I walked out of the house, and then after this one shot, the battery was exhausted. Fate, right? I know there will be more photos to follow, on this blog and on Mike's!

But, back to yesterday..... Joel and the guys were out and got this all set up. There will be more plants added, he says! It will be so cool, as all the plants are ones that attract the butterflies. Then, by the time I thought about going out and taking photos yesterday, the rain started. It has all been an on and off thing, brought about by the storm that is now Alberto, over in the Gulf. We are just getting rain, so no worries. It is so far north, that it won't be a problem here at all. Meanwhile, we are glad to get the rain.

It did stop now and then, so we were able to take Mike out and introduce him to his garden yesterday evening! It really does look nice, and will be a really pretty addition to the yard, even if not for the butterflies.

I forgot to check the rain gauge last night, but did by about 9 a.m. today. There was just shy of 6/10 inches in it, not nearly as much as I expected. See Anne's blog, One Day at a Time, for a photo of what it looked like at its worst yesterday late afternoon!

We have had more rain today, although not as much as I expected. From the weather reports, it looks like we are on the outer boundaries of the rain lines, so we may not get all that much more?

Well, I just called Brian. They had just finished the closing a little while ago, and they are at the house. The former owners movers are almost done there, and the former owners are cleaning as the rooms are emptied. It sounds like they will all be out of there before too long? Everything has been working out just fine, and they will just camp out in the house while they wait to get their things delivered. I know they will be really glad to get all settled in and get their stuff back again!

Well, I will leave you with a great photo of Brian, Christine, Grandma/Great-grandma and Michelle, Grandpa/Great-grandpa, Russ and Skyler, and Amy! What a good photo!
Dad Walters sent it on to us.


At 11:45 AM, Blogger Joanna said...

Great pictures of everything, I love the one of the family, dad sent it here too .... looks like you got more rain than us though.

I know Mike is thrilled with the garden surprise, and it will be lovely when the plants cover the arbor. Such a nice idea!


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